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Does co-creation have added value in more ‘traditional’ organizations ?

I recently have had the pleasure and privilege to get to know Ann Van De Perre. Ann is the former HR director of ING Belgium. She has recently made the step towards a career as an independent entrepreneur. As an experienced business coach and change advisor, she enhances leaders, teams and organizations effectiveness in realizing impactful change ( Right from our first encounter I was taken by her generosity and genuine interest in others.

I was curious to find out what Ann thinks about the development of self-management and co-creation in organizations that have been organized along the traditional lines (top-down approach to management, a vertical structure that strictly defines the chain of command and task allocation). This blog is an account of my interview with Ann. More practical cases can be found in our book Co-creation is … 13 Myths debunked.

Do you think that frameworks like co-creation and self-management can have an added value for organizations that are organized along traditional lines?

Ann Van De Perre: Yes, I think they can. Top management in these organizations is well aware that important changes have to be made. The traditional top-down way of organizing falls short when facing challenges like fostering creativity and innovation, raising levels employee engagement and delivering customer focused solutions and sustainable results. Co-creation and self-management may well be part of the solution in making the shift.

The challenges you just described seem very complex to tackle in structures which are built on the very principles that co-creation challenges. What is your assessment on the implications of the changes you describe?

Ann Van De Perre: Indeed, the challenges the more traditional organizations face are complex. I think it is much like a fundamental transformation, looking critically at the very principles these organizations have been built on. Therefor this transformation will have an impact on every aspect of the organization: leadership, culture, business processes,… It is clear that multiple stakeholders are involved: management, employees, unions, customers and so on. A co-creative approach seems a valid option, since every stakeholder will have a contribution to make. An important question is: “Where to start?”

Do you have some tips on where to start with co-creation?

Ann Van De Perre: I feel that every move an organization can take towards a more value driven approach is a good one. I believe in taking it step by step.

I can think of the following tips:

  1. A good & inspiring start is to start with pealing the onions in the Top leadership team; what is their common and individual purpose, values, convictions and fears? Individual and team coaching can be a great support to enable this. Working with the management team on topics like vision, courage, trust and connection and getting them to self-disclose within the team are powerful leverages.

  2. Co-creation is a means to an end. There has to be a solid business reason to start with co-creation. Take the time to explore whether relevant topics for your organization can be linked to a co-creative approach and whether you are prepared to apply the six principles of co-creation from A to Z.

  3. Introduce co-creation by organizing internal tasting workshops so people can experience how they can connect with others with both their heads and hearts within a professional environment. That in itself works very contagious and is a great enabler in driving the culture change .

Thank you Ann!

In conclusion, co-creation can be helpful in all sorts of environments. It will be a customized process, building the bridge while you are walking over it, so to speak. I am ready to be your sounding board!

Contact me on or call me 0478 51 96 66.

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